Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Diamond life

I am not sure when I first saw a diamond, or when I first felt the magic of that wonderful sparkle, but I know now that the spell was irreversible and is still as strong as ever today. My first diamonds came when I was 21, the traditional gift from parents to child, and I revelled in them, never mind that the earrings were too heavy and hurt my ears and the pendant was unmatchable in its beauty and amazingly innovative in its execution so it could rarely be worn without putting the jewel and its wearer at risk from everything from kidnap and robbery to the evil eye. The pieces stayed locked up in a safety deposit box for many years while I wore tiny studs that could barely be seen but for a glint, as I lived and studied away from home. Some time later, I got myself a second piercing in one ear and have worn a wee black diamond in there to ward off that aforementioned evil eye and keep me safe from harm of various physical and psychic forces. I am not sure that works, but it is an unusual piece and charmingly hidden by the birds nest of my hair.

Soon I started learning - and writing - about diamonds, those shiny stones that can bring so much joy to the owner. I discovered the various qualities that stores sold under the guise of top-notch jewels and laughed as I saw that many of the spectacular gems worn by the social elite were actually not even real! I scoffed cheerfully at the myriad brands of diamond jewellery so easily available at retail outlets and turned up my snob snub nose at the offerings of various kinds on festive occasions - everything from Valentine's Day to Diwali to whatever other reason anyone could have to celebrate by spending a lot of money for something that is barely worth its advertising budget.

But somewhere along the way, I became seriously addicted. I liked diamonds and they liked me. We had a fatal attraction to each other, like opposite poles of a very strong magnet. I found designs I really wanted and made one or two of my diamond dreams come true. But today, when I see new pieces and look at window displays - and yes, I still scoff - I think more practically to myself. What would I do with that, I wonder. Where would I wear it? And I wander off and look at shoes instead, some of them with a diamond or two strategically placed to glitter in just that perfect way....

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