Monday, December 01, 2008

Mumbai meri jaan

It's finally over. For three days, we have been more or less planted in front of the television set, watching with shock, horror and anger as a group of terrorists created bloody mayhem in our city. Perhaps the most traumatic of all was the fact that they made a living hell of what is perhaps Mumbai's most loved and respected building: the Taj Mahal Hotel. Seeing flames coming out of its windows, watching the beautiful domes on fire, looking at the scorched walls and flaming drapes was in itself a nightmare. As for those who went through the hell of being inside, at the Taj, at the VT station (we Mumbaikars like the old name) and at the can only imagine how things were for them. And one can do nothing except weep. For a people, for a building, for a city that has been violated, outraged, assaulted, in the worst way possible.

We will overcome. We will be the Mumbai we all know, love and are. Soon. Until then, we are angry, we are determined and we will make sure that we stay safe.

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