Monday, September 29, 2008
Communication gaps
Why am I on this track today? After many weeks of being completely in touch with the outside world - I am really not sure whether that is a blessing or the proverbial curse, since instead of my online messengers popping up and people spitting angst at me via the Web, I get text messages from people who need help of some kind or the other, along with the occasional actual telephone call on one of the landlines that feed into our house. Like I said, curse or blessing - the jury is still out on that one.
I know and fully well agree that to be so connected is a good thing. I remember when I was writing a column along with the occasional article for publications overseas and had to run around to find stamps, mailboxes or, at the very least, a post office. Today, having very recently seen the mail piled up in the local post office near where we live, I shudder to think that I was once so dependent on a system that is, on the whole, extraordinarily efficient, but slow and tedious and troublesome. Today, all I need to do is get online, talk to whoever editor needs whatever written and send it off with the click of a key or two and very little effort or hassle.
Ok, so there is a point to this little rant. The Net is not working here. Both broadband connections are phut, kaput, not functioning, and I am using a dial-up connection that could do the same at any time. Which makes me write frantically faster just to make sure that I get this over with before I get bumped off the line. Which means that I better stop right now or risk having to do this all over again!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Happy happy happy!
But today is also a good excuse not to write anything meaningful, beyond a happy burble, in this blog. After all, it is my birthday and I am allowed to be sort-of-incoherent, giggly and rather pleased with my life. Over the past year, freed from interruptions and disturbances, it has been good. No unnecessary incursions, no unbalancing presences, no unwanted invasions of my privacy, personality or psyche. And that, methinks, is the best present a girl can ask for, diamonds, chocolate and Jimmy Choo sandals best relegated to the back shelf of an already overloaded closet!
Happy day, all ye folks wherever thou may be!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
View matrimony
(And another...)
Essentially, everyone is a closet Bridget Jones. That is what someone said to me recently. By this logic, all women – though I would prefer to say ‘most’, or even ‘many’ – see the ultimate destination for themselves to be the state of holy, happy matrimony. Which means happily ever after with someone who is as close to the man of their dreams as it has been possible for them to find. Add to that a balanced family of two children, one of each kind, a supportive set of relations by blood and marriage and a stable home with no landlord demanding rent increases, a stable bank account with no EMIs demanding instant payment and a stable professional set-up with no irascible bosses demanding unreasonable satisfaction and there you have it: nirvana for the woman of this world. Isn’t that what someone like Anita, in the hotly haute fiction release Marrying Anita by Anita Jain is trying to find? Or even the far younger Arshi, in You Are Here, from blogger-author Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan, who, with all that youthful adventuring and postcoital musings, seems to want?
But – and this is always a big but – there is one big fly in this particular soup, especially for the modern urban woman. Even as she longs for marital bliss (in a manner of speaking, of course), and even though she will never tell Mother, who is lifetime-guaranteed to utter her favourite phrase of ‘I told you so’, she will only settle for the man she believes to be ‘right’. Ah, and there lies the nub. With our cited population statistics and the hoo-ha about sex selection being given such importance in, unexpectedly, upmarket areas of major metropolises like Mumbai, one question never gets a satisfactory answer: Where are all the men?
Like so many Indian women, I traveled the whole route when it came to the husband-hunting scenario. Ever since I turned legally eligible, or even perhaps before that, I was trotted out to various dos to be ‘met’ and to ‘meet’ the families of young men who satisfied all the mandates of becoming one half of the to-be ‘us’. I rarely came across the men themselves, since most were away studying to become green card holders or were waiting for that significant visa change in, usually, some small town in the United States. With typical Tam-Bram snobbery, nicely blended with Mills and Boon aspirations, I wanted more and never hesitated to announce that to my own family, often with the fallout echoing loud, clear and tearfully through a locked bathroom door. As I got older, of course, I got more assertive and, mercifully, less valuable in the marriage market and I finally got the space I wanted. Before that, I had to go through a number of sessions of desperately searching for something, anything, to say to fond mothers who stared piercingly at me and tsked about my academic ambitions and vaguely uneasy fathers who smiled tentatively at me and wondered what books I read.
Those were the days I wanted to find my own man, my dreams techni-coloured by romance novels, The Princess Bride and my own parents’ story. Today, much older and rather wiser, I find that men have not changed, except to slide a little lower on the evolutionary scale. They put out their charm, which never fails to put up my defenses, and the lines that they come up with have me on the verge of giggles at a moment when I should be smiling idiotically, starlight glimmering in my carefully shadowed eyes. Or else they are paranoid about maintaining their own privacy, never even telling you if they are married, never mind that they want to invade every aspect of your own – from the colour of your undies to the last time you were sexually active – all via sms, email or some other disembodied form of modern communication. And, what is really funny is that they have no idea what your own intentions (if indeed you have any beyond mere friendship) are, with regards to them!
Seriously speaking, being single, by choice or by fate, is not a pleasant route to travel in the real world. Not in this country, not in this context, not even in this metropolis we call modern, liberated and accepting. Not even if it is what you have chosen for yourself. Apart from public opinion, which can be fairly painful if you let it bother you, there is an overwhelming feeling of sadness when you contemplate the simple – and single most important – fact that when your door closes at night, you are alone, never mind the cat who shares your pillow. As the youngest in your family, it is inescapable, inevitable, that you are the only person left as everyone else slowly gets done with their lives. And then what happens? Do you keep yourself company in the mirror like an ageing movie star long after her sell-by date? Does someone from your vast and intimate circle of friends find you dead on the floor of your apartment days after you are gone, your body slowly rotting and reeking? It is a frightening prospect. One that makes it well worth the trouble to find a man (or woman, if you prefer) that you can spend the rest of your life with, thali strung around your neck and your vows to love, cherish and belong until the death or a new love do you part forever etched in your psyche.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Never say sari!
(Again, I cheat a little. This was published Sunday...)
I first wore my grandmother’s wedding sari when I was 15, to a wedding reception. The gold threads checked over the heavy emerald green silk glimmered under the bright lights and the almost-solid gold work on the red border was more brilliant than any jewellery worn that evening. It weighed me down to the point of exhaustion; the zari work on it was gorgeous, heavy, enduring. It was stored in my mother’s closet, cuddled in soft silk and gently scented with sandalwood. And when I took it out a few days ago to look at it, admire it, treasure it, I found that it had not aged well at all. The green of the body had faded to an unsightly patchy paleness and the gold had weighed down the fabric so that it was shredding and, in fact, tore wit a dreadful sound even as I lifted it delicately to check how badly it was damaged. Many self-recriminations and some tears later, I had to conclude that there was little that could be done to save it. But what could be done with it?
The saris my mother left behind will probably last some years longer, but the few that she inherited from her family need urgent attention, never mind that they have been babied and protected from bugs and the elements alike with more care than the family itself perhaps got. There are a number of small streetside shops in Kalbadevi who have a solution to this problem, one that many women today must face when they consider their own sartorial heritage. One that I have been to on occasion is run by a gentleman who is very careful with not just the garment, but also the feelings of those who bring it in to him. He sits on a soft cotton gadda in a small shop set into the wall of a building just across the way from the famous silver bazaar behind Mumba Devi temple, and hordes hundreds of rolls of silk strips in specially built drawers lining the space. And he shows off his treasures – this border came from a wedding sari from a royal family, he says, as he unrolls a dazzling length of gem-studded silk. And this, it shows a whole army – see, here are soldiers and elephants and even guns!
As he speaks, he evaluates the sari you have brought him. He is gentle, understanding that the piece is woven through with memories and some sadness. But see, the silk is shredding, so it is no use keeping that. But the border is still lovely; this is not real gold, it is silver that had been plated or washed – he holds a match to a single thread he pulls out of the zari. He weighs the sari, makes elaborate and mysterious calculations keeping the day’s gold and silver prices in mind, and then suggests a price. He will save the border for someone – and many come to buy, fashion designers, sari shops, people who want something special to use on their clothes, even foreigners who will add these touches of ‘exotica’ to their sofa cushions or curtains – not to long ago, Bloomingdales in New York had a sellout line of organza, crepe and tissue curtains edges with antique sari borders. Or else he will melt down the precious metal in unusable saris to form a small lump of silver, perhaps even gold, to be sold to jewelers in the same loop.
Many of these sari borders are the mainstay of small shops in Kalbadevi, Chor Bazaar and the various fabric markets in the city. Yusuf Sareewala runs one such store, which stocks thousands of borders typical of various cultures – from the old Parsi garas, Maharashtrian, Gujarati, South Indian, Orissa and so many other forms of weaving and embellishment. This is where many of the big-name designers find treasures that they use in their own work – Neeta Lulla and Manish Malhotra, for instance.
But a heritage sari does not always have to be cut up and reused or its border sold and used by someone else to create new fashion. Designers suggest keeping the vintage drape, but updating it with a more ‘today’ blouse - Gaurav Bhatia, for one, who with his wife Pratima works on creating exquisitely ornate garments, says, “We never encourage a wedding sari being cut up — that would almost be sacrilege! There are ways to drape it that will make it re-usable. And you can always give it a twist with unique blouses.”
A new blouse will not save my grandmother’s wedding sari. But maybe the gentle-man in Kalbadevi can help keep some of my heritage alive.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Exploring taste
Today I spent some time at the market, going through what they had at one of my favourite stores. 'Favourite' because it stocks stuff that I have little use for and have rarely ever come across, mostly because it is all hardcore traditional South Indian, which is a genre that is unfamiliar, exotic and very interesting indeed. Like puttu mix, for one - I often joke that I like being half Malayali, but that is mainly for the food and the saris, I insist. Never having been to Kerala and not having eaten much of the region's cuisine - apart from standards like adai, avial and beef chilli fry - to me it seems like the land to explore, to enjoy. And the closest I can get is the food. But, as I always tell the man who serves customers at this particular shop in the heart of the South Indian enclave in the city, I cannot make it unless I know what it should be like in its authentic version. Puttu has been described to me as a kind of polenta, or a dirty grey goo that can be used to seal tiles in a bathroom, by different people, of course, but neither gives me an idea of what the stuff tastes like. So while I eye the packet of puttu powder carefully from a distance and wonder aloud to my friend at the store, I have never yet found the courage to buy it and try it. Anyway it takes a special contraption to cook it in, Father tells me.
There is so much more at just this shop that has caught my fancy. From string hoppers to stuff made with ragi (our equivalent of rye, I think), dried fry-ables to fresh sweets with a ghee-coconut aura, interesting little packets of powders and other perishables...I am slowly working my way through the stock. Today I got some puliinchi, a spicy pickle-like sauce that I have been wondering about for a few years now. What it will taste like will determine what I do with it. AT best, I can store it to use every now and then in various avatars; at worst, some friend who likes culinary exotica will inherit it.
And so the story goes with all that is new and acquired...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bare necessities
Not too long ago, a lot of people I know did not believe in stress as a genuine health unbalancer, if I may make up my own wonderful word. Today, almost everyone blames some part of their mental, physical or emotional disturbances on stress, taking occasional time out to fix the problem, instead of - like me - waiting until it gets to a point where it becomes a choice between going on or falling flat on your face. And it is so necessary to stop, think, sort things out and then go back to what you are doing, feeling newer and more improved than ever. In the process of doing this for myself, I have found that so much of what I once believed to be essential is actually trivia that can very easily be left behind without too much heartburn.
Like make-up, fancy clothes and jewellery, snob value shoes and bags and whatever else goes on you rather than into you. While I still love all that, I do not miss it beyond the very basic elements of the feel of luxe fabric, the beauty of an exclusive jewel or the exquisite vamp of a stiletto sandal. It is external, a kind of take it or leave it sort of situation that I can have fun with now that I do not feel constrained to be part of it. I know that when I do decide to go back to working full time outside my own home, I will go back into the cycle of putting on my face, choosing my clothes carefully and sliding into pretty heels before going out and about, but for now, casual pajamas, flip-flops and a clean and shiny face are fine by me, thank you!
But there is more to time out than these accessories. There is the attitude that matters. Even though you, like me, will always want to know what people you care about feel and think about you and your work and more, spending a little time thinking about what you really are and want makes you realise that realistic, honest, critical self-image is far more important than how others see you. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and approve, not from a vain and conceited perspective, but with truth and detatchment, and like what you see? Today, two months after I quit working, I do. I know that what I am may not be what I have always wanted to be, but it is a far more balanced, interesting and, most and best of all, happy soul that looks back at me.
Just for that, everything that I have given up for now is well worth it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Well bread
A long time ago, I decided I no longer wanted to eat packaged white bread. Perhaps it came after an encounter with the famed Wonder Bread, that marvel of American culinary engineering – a whole large loaf can easily be compressed into a think slice of not-too-dense dough, with lots of additives, preservatives and goodness knows what else added to give it the texture, taste and never-say-die character it has. And while the resilience and immortality of the stuff made it manna from bakery heaven for the average college student living in a dorm, it did not appeal to me. Then gradually exploring and learning my own city of Mumbai, I found lots of small family-run bakeries that produced bread that was, to say the least, interesting. Some of them I still drop in to sniff today, the fragrance of cinnamon and candied peel blending nicely with the aroma of fresh-rising dough and the hot metal of the pans the bread and cakes are baked in.
A few days ago I went to Yazdani, in a small lane behind Flora Fountain. My goal was their well-known seven-grain bread, something that has an ever-evolving taste and texture and, in its round-loaf form, looks astonishingly like a large cow pat. It is not seven-grain any more, the chap in charge told me, as I waited for my order to be packed up. It now has nine grains. And he proceeded to list them – dalia, sunflower seeds, ulsi, bajri, jowar….I lost count and may even have got some wrong. The bread also comes in smaller buns and regular sliced loaves and is lauded even by the nutritionists at Bombay Hospital, my friend told me proudly. It tastes best fresh and toasted crisp around the edges, with lashings of salted butter melting into its grain – all nine of them.
Comparable but about twice the cost is the multi-grain ‘jumbo’ bread at the delicatessen at the Oberoi hotel (now the Trident?). It is enormous and sliced not too thin, ideal for a sandwich with the fairly mild flavours of celery-spiked chicken salad or just cream cheese and a few leaves. It has a solid bite, with a nutty chuck as punctuation, refrigerates well and makes good French toast when it gets older. There is a more-ish-ness to it and, I am told, the fibre content and the proteins from the various seeds and grains making it as healthy as it is delicious.
The multi-grain loaf at Banyan Tree in Worli is dark and earthy. While most of the grains – at least the seeds – seem to be on the outside and tend to fall off when you slice through the uncut loaf, it tastes of good health and freshness, with an odd oiliness to the outside which makes for nicely crunchy toast. Eaten with unsalted butter, it is perfect, but made into a sandwich with gentle flavoured fillings, it makes you look forward to lunch.
A number of bakeries big and small are now producing wonderful multi-grain breads. The shop at the Orchid does it pretty well, while chains like Bread Talk and Oven Fresh are not bad. It is not difficult to make at home either, easiest by just adding various whole or cracked grains and seeds to the basic whole wheat bread mix. And it is a delicious way to keep your body – and your conscience – in great shape!
Great fillings for multi-grain bread:
Smoked salmon
Chicken salad with mild mustard and chopped celery
Cream cheese
Unsalted butter with a tangy mango chutney
A slice of grilled tofu with a little balsamic vinegar
Monday, September 15, 2008
Science and smuggling
(Sometimes you just like how a story you wrote for a newspaper turns out. Like this one. With all the hype and hullaballoo about the new machine at CERN and figuring out how the universe was created, people seem to have forgotten the human aspect, the gentle joys and laughter that went into the process. These are some of my memories of a time when life was simpler and softer...)
Arriving in a suburb of Geneva on Mayday was a kind of foretaste of what was to come for us in the time that we lived in the city. Everything was closed as tight as only the Swiss could do it, except for a tiny branch of a chain department store, where we found a couple of cans of petit pois and the last crusty loaf of bread that we grabbed from under the outstretched hand of a browsing housewife. We had just landed in the city – in the country, in fact – that was to be home to us for a while on a total holiday and had no idea what to find where and how, but we went about looking for it anyway, undaunted. Father was doing a stint at CERN, working on the cross-border SPS (the Super Proton Synchrotron) – the hot haute machine at the time – and we soon learned what life as a CERN family was all about.
Enmeshed in a gently strict but intense Baccalaureate programme at the local international school, I had little time to absorb or even understand that ethos of belonging to the scientific community, but various terms soon entered my vocabulary. SPS, of course, was one, the ring-shaped facility where Father did experiments studying the quark-gluon plasma and various other nuclear physics delights. The instant high level of respect we got in contrast to the way gastarbeiters or immigrants were treated was another. What was more fascinating to watch from a youngster’s perspective was the family’s varied biorhythms. Father was often asleep when I left for school or had gone out to work long before dawn cracked, since the tests were done around the clock and the team worked on a shift system. He told us stories of the people he worked with, like the Portuguese who admired a pretty girl’s behind with typical physicist jargon: “What an oscillator!”
Every now and then he had a full day off and we would all go grocery shopping. Meat in France was far better than that available in Switzerland; there was also Evian to be bought in carton-loads, since the water in Geneva ran right off the Saleve, limestone and all, and was hideous to drink, and then there were the wonderful potato chips that only the vast store just across the border had… Going through customs was a cinch for us. The car had a small round sticker on it that identified it was belonging to a CERN-ite and we waved and smiled as the bar lifted and allowed us to coast through from one country to the other. Perhaps the only time that the customs stopped us was when we were smuggling meat on one of our trips – it was rationed then, to half a kilo per adult, and we had about three kilos in the boot. But no, no danger, they waved us through after admiring Mum’s sari. The sticker was essential for Father, since he worked in France but lived in Switzerland and had to navigate the Duane many times a day in a long tunnel that was a special entrance to the research centre. It was almost Bond-ish, or even something out of Le Carre, with hidden eyes watching every move and monitoring each trip.
The SPS, which now feeds the brand new LHC (Large Hadron Collider) for the just-started experiment to recreate the Big Bang, was also where I did the main experiment for my biology lab for the Bacc. A few select mung beans were put into the ring and subjected to high-level magnetism, after which the beleagured seeds were coaxed to grow – which they did, dutifully pointing in the direction I had said they would when influenced neo-germinally by magnetic forces. I got a decent grade for it, too. And as he took me for a little permitted tour into the facility so I could see just where my seeds would be placed, Father explained how the new and hugely larger ring would be built, deep under the place we called home a long time ago.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Into the past
But there was another person at the lunch table, too, someone I had known a long time ago and not met since. She was in closer touch with this person, and knew more about what had happened to all of us in the interim. He was a journalist at one point in time, and we worked at the same newspaper for a short while before our paths diverged, travelling routes fairly distant from each other, I would say. He had the same wild hair, the same smiling look in his eyes and the same laid back way of sitting, talking and reacting, as well as the same way of staring penetratingly at me (and her, I presume), as if to try and figure out what I was about after all these years. He is now a scriptwriter for television and is doing very well for himself, my friend told me, and seemingly happy with his life.
Well, perhaps our lives have not diverged that drastically. I also write for a living, more or less, and have a great deal of fun doing it. I think the difference is, apart from my being female and from a different kind of life in many ways, that I do not care as much for what I do. What matters to me, I think, is why I do it and how I feel in doing it, whatever 'it' may be. To me it is more important to be happy, satisfied and changing something in your life for the better, than the paycheck at the end of the assignment or even the name on the article. Does that make sense?
But what I found, in talking with my friend and our companion, was that I do not seem to be very ambitious. I do not want to write a film script or make a television show that is new and different. I do not want to be part of creating a newspaper that is well presented and edited and read - I just got out of that, remember! What I do want to do is enjoy whatever it is I am doing, with the end result, apart from the nice fat check, of course, being a sense of achievement, a sense of pride in having done something worthwhile, a sense of making people who see my work think of me with a certain feeling of joy. And whether it means writing a book or writing fortunes for cookies or even writing a brochure for a lipstick line, that is why I like doing what I do. Because, for me, it all happens.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
A little left over
My existence tends to be full of leftovers, of which only the edibles are saved; the rest goes into the trash. For years I have been able to get rid of the unusable bits and pieces that almost always make up a life. Photographs, emails, gifts, even memories are binned as soon as the person involved has made his or her exit from my small world. And while I do not really have any bitterness or even any feeling attached to those relics, I do occasionally pull the time shared out of my mental closet and check to see if those too can be thrown away. If they have some flavour left that will not give me the burps, they are packed carefully back into the box that they were stored in and shoved into the deep dark corners of my mind, where they rightly belong.
What bothers me, however, and prevents the cleaning and storage process of all these experiences is if part of it is left incomplete. Sort of like a box of peanuts all ready for grinding which never makes it to peanut butter. Or a pair of jeans that does not fit right any more, but will still be saved for that time of ‘just in case’ which, of course, never arrives. I hate people vanishing without explanation, however offensive and unwarranted the probable cause may be. I hate the explanations that always begin with “I don’t know why…” and end with “It’s not you, it’s me.” What is worse is a self-pitying, self-righteous silence and inaccessibility. And I hate knowing that all this will bug me, no matter that I know full well that I wanted to get out of something long before it ever ended and just never figured out how to close the book when there were still many chapters to read through. This works with jobs, with relationships, with book contracts, with any kind of agreement.
I wish life was like refrigerated leftovers. Then each phase of it would come to a logical conclusion, to be gently melded into something else that is far more useful or thrown away because it smells a little odd and leers at you when you peer into its container.
Monday, September 08, 2008
ATM blues
But, compared to a lot of people, my record with ATM machines is pretty clean. I left my card in one only once and that was an emergency situation, where I had to deal with a crisis at work after a sudden phone call that pulled me away from the machine when I was just done taking out money. Of course, the bank charged me for a new card, but also upgraded me and never had me pay for that. Which all worked out for the best in the end. And ever since I remember, I have been using one of these facilities for everything from depositing money to taking it out, transferring it across accounts and making sure that all transactions were as they should have been.
So why am I moaning about these things if they work fine for me? Simple because the ATM I went to today misbehaved. I did everything it told me to, from feed in my card and then my password number, to specifying what service I wanted to access and whether it was indeed me. Short of giving the powers-that-be a retinal scan and DNA sample, I did it all right. But then it spat the card back out at me and said the machine was not working. At which point I stormed out of there and stomped away, saying some very rude words to myself.
Of course, the annoyance had a deeper root than the obvious. I knew the teasing, which had faded into almost non-existence after so many years of doing well with ATM machines and cards, would make a comeback that would have anyone sizzling a bit at the gills. And thus is is indeed.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Size doesn't matter
(Who says you need to be working with a newspaper to write for it? I wrote this for the paper I was with before I decided to go on sabbatical, and it was published a little while ago. I was going to delete it, but then I kinda liked it...)
For an audience, Indian art tends to have no format. It is truly free expression, with so many styles and formats that the average critic would be hard-pressed to find words to describe it, briefly and completely. From traditional realistic art to the more modern abstract works of today, from the tiny miniature paintings of the north to the massive installations of contemporary artists, there has been no real unifying thread and no particular trend that can be easily identified. However, with the growing international popularity of new Indian art and ever-increasing exposure to global ideas, many artists in this country have been experimenting with scale, line, form and, of course, style.
And with the growing need to explore and a new freedom that comes from spiraling market prices and a surety of finding a buyer, comes a new way of thinking: BIG. There is space to dream and an awareness that somewhere someone will want to acquire the work, and artists spread themselves, fairly thick on the ground. Consider Jitish Kallat, for one, whose works are self-confessedly ‘monumental. A few months ago he revealed Aquasaurus, a seven-metre-long water tanker made of the same kind of bones that he used for his Autosaurus. It was awe-inspiring in its scale, living up to Kallat’s reputation for enormous works (Artist Making a Local Call, Public Notice II, 365 Lives) created with contemporary issues, social comment and a dash of humour in the thought process behind it. The viewer has options – to try and find perspective from outside the piece, or to stand within it and explore its various aspects.
There have been many others, old and new. Many years ago, MF Husain painted his cavorting horses for a wall of a research institute in Mumbai. Ravinder Reddy’s big-eyed heads take up plenty of room in various corporate houses, while Navjot Altaf’s very large flame-orange sculptures can displace a good-sized truck. Pakistan-based Rashid Rana, who showed at Chemould Prescott Road some months ago, covered huge expanses with his digital print composites – Offshore Accounts, for instance, spread across two walls, angled together. Reena Saini’s Walls of the Womb at Galerie Mirchandani & Steinreucke occupied an entire room, the work spanning the walls, the floor and a verriere.
But even with this immense scale of creative inspiration, artists do rein themselves in, committing to another set of boundaries that, in their own way, test their skills. Ironically, many of those who now need whole galleries to show off their creative talents, have – and still do, on occasion – limited themselves to more practicable spaces. For instance, Kallat has taken part in the Miniature Format Show (Sans Tache gallery), as have many others. From one extreme to another?
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Loud and clear
But the most annoying thing about these pandals, apart from the traffic around them and the crowds hanging about, is the noise that they make. The large enclosure in the cul-de-sac was oddly quiet - maybe the festivities happened only in the evening, who knows. The one near the plaza was blaring devotional songs with a very filmi flavour, at top volume. The music was not bad, not overly nasty or tacky, but the noise level was all that and more. As I walked past, trying to peek into the curtained space to see what the fuss was all about, I had to plug my ears or else cringe and feel assaulted by the sound. As I was anyway.
Making all that noise as a sign of devotion is peculiarly Indian. Where many rituals from all over the world use music and loud chanting and even yelling to bring worshippers closer to thee, oh Lord, it is perhaps only here that we channel the populist vote and grab attention, eyeballs and eardrums with speakers blaring and no one especially concerned about issues like noise pollution and deafness. Perhaps in this country of so many billion people, all needing divine intervention, we need to make a lot of noise to be 'seen', who knows!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Say a little prayer...
For me, Ganpati, Ganesha, Gajanana, whatever name He may have, is all about new beginnings. While I am not a woman of any great faith in any particular deity, I do believe in a higher power, and Ganpati is a good way to visualise him, being round and happy and yet very, very wise. What He advised works well: Leave the old behind, the bitterness, the anger, the hurt and the pain, and move forward into a new day, a new feeling of anticipation, a new start of a brand new adventure. Trust what you are being given, be it love or friendship, feelings or freedom, and go forward with bright eyes, a light heart and a happy state of existence. That is the lesson that we were taught in our school texts and that is the same lesson that the so-called gurus of the modern urban world are teaching us now. Instead of looking to them for direction, look within, I was always told, and you will know what to do, when to do it, how to do it and with whom to do it.
I think for me the 'whom' has always been most important. Because that is the only part that I cannot keep a firm eye on. Who knows who comes into your life and what role they play, until they are actually there, playing it! I find that those who really matter are those who stay with you, no matter what happens to them and to you. And when you discover one of those special people, reach out, hold on to them and treasure them, like a very wise woman I knew told me. If you are willing to let something or someone go without too much of a fight, that thing or person was not too important anyway; they do not matter as much as you believed.
I have found very few people like that in my life. One or two have always been with me, but I never knew them until very recently. And now that I know which is dross and which pure gold, I know which I should, as my friend said, treasure. It is one of the lessons you learn from Ganpati, too, the God of all things bright and beautiful, big and small, wise and wonderful. After all, as the holy book said, "The Lord God made them all".
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
To write or not?
Ok, so I have the time these days. Do I have the inspiration? Well, I could come up with some. May even be fun. I could write about my own life, which I don't find especially unusual or interesting, but could make the stuff of great novels, in parts, sort of like the egg of the curate who, if you ask me, was a rather bad cook - or had one, I don't know which. I could put bits of it, nicely embroidered, into a steamy romance novel, with the hero a tall, dark, handsome and, very unlike reality, intelligent man who satisfies the wish list of any sane woman. But then why would he be single, right? If he was, he would be embittered and nasty, a commitment-phobe, gay, or just plain untenable in some way, be it via bad breath or bad karma. On the other hand, steering far away from my private life, I could write a travel-food book. How I Ate My Way Through Europe, or Eating With Your Fingers In America, or even Cooking In A Campus Apartment.
But today people want to read books that are deep, exploring the psyche and existentialist sensibilities of people. Very few choose - or admit they do - stuff that is fun, that doesn't do more than talk about scenarios with a few corpses, a kiss or two, some chasing through the dark streets of a big city and a couple of dragons, some magic and a love story, all included in the complicated and hilarious plot. That would be my kind of book, one that laughs at itself as much as it makes its readers laugh. One that has something serious to say, but not in any way that is serious or sledgehammer-ish or preachy or even dire. Few people read for the fun of seeing words jump through hoops, to find a new way of saying something old, to explore just what can be said when it is, in any obvious way, unsaid.
Be all that as it may, why don't I write a book? Because, frankly, I don't think I can. It takes a mind that is not trained to edit, to express what needs to be said. When you are more used to cleaning up other people's writing in a newspaper, a magazine, a website, a script or even a book, you see too much, you analyse too much, you dig too deep to just be able to say something simply and easily. You are always correcting yourself and finding hidden meaning in what you write, so you cannot just appreciate the beauty of language without making a special effort to do so by dissociating from your work. Which makes writing a chore, hard work, something that needs attention and some degree of pain. Which makes it no fun, no joy. Which makes it a no-no for me.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Back to the future
But there are things in life that are just impossible. Once your ego is hurt, once your feelings are hurt, once your physical self is hurt, there is no going back to something that was or was becoming or even might have been. But it is very difficult to explain this one. I did meet someone I liked, someone I may have wanted to know for a long time. we had many common interests, from photography to art to food to writing to travel to people, to asking questions, to.... But, as I got to know him better, I started discovering that I really did not want to know him better. He had a strangely narrow view of life and its denizens and could not see beyond his own point of view. Few other people mattered and he stayed the centre of his own universe. We are all selfish in our own way, but perhaps this was my 'fault' - I wanted more if I wanted involvement. And if I didn't get it, well, I would try to make it work, if it didn't, I would find out what the deal was and if that didn't work for me, then it would not matter any more. I made that resolve many years ago and, this time, I even kept it!
I kept it without any qualms, no regrets and only one fleeting thought: that it could have been great fun. And, as I told my friend who said I should make the move, I am always open to friendships and knowing people, maybe even developing a relationship, whatever it may be. It is exciting, a whole new adventure each time. But if I have to work harder than I can and am willing to, if I have to give up what is important and meaningful to me, and I have to become someone I am not, I cannot do it. No fun, no point. Even though life is not all about fun, it also is about meaning and stimulation and caring and sharing. It cannot be one-way, it cannot be on any one person's terms, it cannot be compromise. Not for me, at least.